Good Bye Procrastination

Sorry for inconvinience, but app is pulled down from AppStore due to lack of funds for continued subscription of Developer account. Will be back ASAP.

Track your progress

Across Three Timespans


Complete your tasks today, before the time ring closes. The app removes all the tasks from today tab at the end of the day. Adding a sense of urgency.


Schedule your tasks on a weekly basis, and track how many times you have completed it both till date, and last 10 day streak.

Long Term Goal

Track your progress towards a goal upto 10 years in future. Schedule weekly task, the deadline and get accurate daily work load. Making it look less daunting.

Look back on your acomplishments

Back in time we go


Check your previous days, and identify your work pattern. Knowing oneself goes long way than forcing habits that won's stick.

iCloud Backup

Automatically backup all your entries, so you can pick up on any other device.


Automatically backup all your entries, so you can pick up on any other device.

Avaliable on Platforms


iOS 15

All habits begin with lowering the efforts to start it. So, let's start with the device in your pockets.


iPadOS 15

Pulling in from pockets to canvas, for people who love big touch screens.


macOS 12 (Monterey)

Power to the Mac.

I care a lot about privacy.

All the steps have been taken to ensure atmost privacy for the users.


Ad plugins


Cocoapods used


Account Login




Built to be alternative to most of the habbit building apps out there. Priced nothing like them.