Ananta Anil Shahane

A recent masters graduate from Universiteit Leiden, with wide range of experiences actively seeking for opportunities.

  • Universiteit Leiden, Master of Science
    Major: Foundations of Computing.

  • Pune University, Bachelor of Engineering
    Major: Computer Engineering.
    Thesis: A Scalable Broker Model for Micro-Service Orchestration.
Evolutionary Strategy
Feature Importance

I designed and implemented a sophisticated solution capable of figuring out feature importance of time series. This innovative approach effectively computes and provides an approximation of the specific weightings assigned to the individual base time series that collectively contribute to the final time series result.

Evolutionary Strategy
Normal Distribution
Feature Importance
Hobby Project; October 2023.
Master's Thesis
A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem

Remodelled genetic algorithm for green vehicle routing problem accounting for customers' locality, and engineered corridor model. Reduced average AUC for 92 benchmarks of 500 iterations by 10%.

Evolutionary Algorithms
Multi Objective Optimisation
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with Yingie Fan and Niki van Stein; 2022-2023.
Evolutionary Algorithm
Evolutionary Intelligence

Designed genetic algorithm for searching Deep Learning Architecture for image detection; revealed the link between adjacency matrices and the crossover operator, which improved both convergence speed and stability of the algorithm.

Genetic Algorithm
Deep Learning
iOH Analyser
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with Hao Wang; Spring 2023.
Embedded Systems
Sobel on a Chip

Programmed Xilinx FPGA using the Daedalus Framework to execute edge detection using static affine programming paradigm. Used only 66% of the instructed channels in KPN, earning recognition as the top performing software among peers of about 3.75 FPS.

Deadalus Framework
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with T.P. Stefanov; Spring 2023.
Quantum Algorithms
Randomised Measurement Toolbox

I researched classical shadows in quantum computing and implemented a randomized measurement toolkit, validated its performance, and utilized it to efficiently evaluate the matrix of underlying quantum circuits. This work, detailed in the research paper here, contributed to reducing the number of required samples for accurate quantum circuit analysis, and I implemented the algorithm and validated the results it claimed.

Quantum Algorithms
Linear Algebra
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with Vedran Dunjko; Spring 2022.
Modern Game Artificial Intelligence Applications
2-D Search and Replace Algorithm & Minecraft City Builder

In Modern Game Artificial Intelligence Applications, I worked on building a 2-D Search and Replace Algorithm, that is an iteration on the procedural content generation allowing one to build 2-D map step by step using regex like commands. I was also involved in building a home using PSG in a minecraft map, using http interface to do it.

Procedural Content Generation
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with Mike Preuss & Piere Lulof; Spring 2022.
iOS / macOS Development
Today Productivity

I conceived, developed, published, and provided ongoing support for a cross-platform application called Today Productivity. This multifaceted app, available on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, was meticulously designed to empower users in planning and executing their daily tasks. It offered a comprehensive feature set, including support for Widgets and seamless integration with iCloud for shared and persistent storage across all of the user's devices.

AppStore Publishing
Web Dev.
Hobby Project; 2019-2023.

Utilised time averaged K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm to approximate discrimination between walls and furniture. Helped ease the navigation of the Pioneer P3DX two-wheeled robot with SICK TiM310 LIDAR sensor to different rooms in a home settings.

Machine Learning
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, with E.M. Bakker; Spring 2022.
Bachelors Thesis
Gilmour Proxy

Built a proxy for a micro-service broker system named Gilmour. The broker runs only on Golang and ruby. Gilmour proxy makes the broker system accessible for all other languages by using https protocol. This broker can handle thousands of micro-services written in different programming languages. Responsibilities include developing and debugging the proxy. Documentation using LateX and markdown. Containerisation and monitoring with Docker and Prometheus.

Oogway Consulting, with Aditya Godbole; 2017-2018.
Audio Steganography

Designed and build a steganography algorithm, that takes a text and an audio file *.wav from the user, and hides the text into the provided file, it also able to pull out the text embedded in the audio file. The audio file sounds un tampered despite having hidden message in it.

File System
Pune University, Mini Project; 2017.
Category Details
Programming Languages I am proficient in Swift a protocol oriented programming language, C++ an object oriented programming language, comfortable with Python and familiar with Golang. I can also do scripting like writing daemon files, and running processes using bash.
Frameworks Over the years I have accquired experience with a lot of different frameworks, and have gotten stronger at referring to documentation to get started quickly. These framweorks include Scikit Learn, Cirq, Openfermion, Json, Keras, gdmc, SwiftUI, CloudKit, Qt and many more.
Operating Systems I mostly prefer the stability of Unix and Linux based operating systems, so I have experience in using macOS and Linux Fedora Distro, as a power user, and some familiarity with Windows. I am fluent in using the macOS and Linux terminal and have accquired RHEL Certification for it.
Certification Course edX 2019, Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Awarded for 100% completion of course, with 8 assignments, 6 weeks focusing on Linux Administration.
Certification Course University of California Invine, Coursera 2017
Awarded for 98% grade of course, spanning 4 months and 16 assignments, focusing on various frameworks available on iOS platform.
  • 91st percentile in National Cyber Olympiad, India in 2010.
  • 1st among 120 in Junior College Level, Physics.
  • Indian Association of Physics Teachers 1st of 23 in 2013-2014.
Conferences Attended
  • try! Swift Banglore (2017).
  • Kernel Meetups 2017-2018
  • Free Open Source Software Meet (2018)
  • GopherCon (2018)
  • Google Meetup (2018)
  • Quantum Games Leiden (2023)
  • Quantum Amsterdam
  • Joint Lecture on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA)-CWI
  • GECCO 2024, Melborne Australia*.
  • Biking 1800+km since 2021.
  • Placed 17th in National DOJO Tournament India for Tekken 7.
  • Built a PC with latest most powerful hardware for available budget.
  • Video editing using Final Cut Pro for YouTube Channel-now depricated.
  • High altitude trekking (3.8 km above sea level), to Pindari Glacier in upper Kumamon Himalayas.
I speak
  • Fluent English.
  • Fluent in Hindi.
  • Fluent Marathi.
  • Basic Dutch.